Friday, November 28, 2008

A Year of Hope

Reflections on a Theme

How do we sum up a year full of incredible and even miraculous events in an effort to come up with one theme that would reflect the whole? I think I would have to honestly say that it wasn’t necessarily this year that brought me to the selection of this theme, but the years (and challenges) that proceeded 2008. Contemplating the words and or phrases that are part of the package, I would have to choose those that admittedly may seem over used, but are too often taken for granted: prayer, faith, repentance, forgiveness--all necessary in realizing the true nature of the word HOPE. Or is it hope that is the catalyst that drives the former? Nevertheless, I don’t believe one can coexist without the other.

It is our prayer this Christmas that through our Savior Jesus Christ we can keep HOPE alive as we face our individual challenges and those that lay ahead for our families, our nation, and even the world. Hope and all that it is comprised of, is what keeps us forging ahead with strength, courage, and integrity.

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