Sunday, November 1, 2009

Reason to Rejoice for the Small and Simple Things

We are filled with priorities in our lives and blogging has been placed at the bottom of my list, for privacy reasons for the most part, in a desire to protect those I love. But also, there are sacred moments and events that happen that loose much in the attempt to translate into words, and too dear to the heart to share. Yet as the month of November begins and Thanksgiving circles back around, I feel a great desire to express my gratitude for the small, simple and even precious things in my life knowing that from such, great things have and will come to pass.

I feel the eternal blessings from the addition of a new daughter-in-law to our family. Petite in stature, but grand in strength and spirit, she has blessed all of our lives. From the moment she walked through our door, I called her "my angel". I watched this very young, committed couple kneel across the alter in a sealing room of the Salt Lake Temple, a brief ceremony with eternal blessings. A simple honeymoon, a modest reception that began the journey of eternal companionship and a vision of posterity yet to be.

A mother's heart seems to be wherever her children are. Sending your children off as they begin a life of their own is one of the most difficult experiences we are eventually expected to endure. But watching them grow and succeed is the great reward. Frequent calls home highlight our day. Talks of simple day's events bring lasting memories. I am in awe that such a young man out on his own for his first year, would spend so much time calling his parents, sharing with them his thoughts, dreams of the future, mundane daily activities, personal acknowledgement of his growth into adulthood, and in tender moments, expressing his love and concern for his family back home.

Work outside of the home for me, is a mere necessity. When I leave in the morning, my heart remains at home. With my youngest still in high school, I am torn having to be at work all day. I am grateful he leaves in the morning before I do, that I can send him off with a prayer and expression of love. But I'm saddened that I am not here to greet him at the end of his school day. I long to be here and be able to feed my perpetually hungry, growing young man...and all his friends if the opportunity arises, as they return from their day of social challenges. But I'm grateful for a capable, trustworthy son who has a circle of friends that support gospel principles. I cherish the few moments that we spend together in his busy academic and social life and look forward to the future when grumbles and groans turn into real conversations and tender moments with lasting memories as he too, matures into adulthood.

Now the simple circle of life has provided the greatest blessing of 2009 - a brand new gift from God, fresh from Heavenly Father's home. I am grateful that I have already experienced to some degree, the joys of grand parenting from the perspective of a step-mother, but acknowledging the eternal impact of a mother's first grandchild is still sinking in. Pure and simple joy fills my heart. I am anxious to see and hold this precious child. Hearing for the first time a simple cry on the telephone is acknowledgement that a miracle has truly occurred, for life is indeed, a miraculous thing. Now I will watch, being careful to wait for counsel and assistance but instead, provide pure Christ-like love to my own, small but very precious family as I watch for great things to come to pass. I feel eternally blessed and have reason to rejoice for the small and simple things.


Jessie said...

Hope you can see the baby soon :) We love you!

Unknown said...

Reading this brings tears (of happiness, of course) to my eyes. Now we just need a picture!

(I don't have a google account so I'm going to try to use my husband's to publish the comment...)
Marlene Weissman Eckert