Saturday, August 23, 2008

New Year's Eve--Almost!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm sitting here not wanting to do much of anything else but listen to music and contemplate what 2008 may bring. On the sweet side of life, I rejoice with my nieces and nephews as they await the arrival of the birth of their next child...those we know about and those yet to come. I pray for Angela as she struggles with health issues and her first pregnancy. May angels attend you always. Congratualtions to Jake and Jill and their recent engagement. We are so excited for you all.

On the bitter-sweet side: John graduates in May and leaves the nest soon after --or at least that's his plan. That's more bitter than sweet for me. But a lot can happen in just a few months, so we shall see.

On the bitter end, trying to focus on the sweet where I can find it--For Irene we pray fervently as I learned yesterday that they found that cancer has spread to her bones. We wait to see what her options are and what her decision will be. We pray for the entire Reichner family. We know that you are strong, of great faith, but this will be a difficult journey. You are all such an incredible example to me that I don't know how I will be of support to you, but I'm here whatever happens. But I know Irene is at peace, whatever the Lord's will. She may be the first to be reunited with Mom & Dad and for that, I can't help but feel some comfort. I envy the reunion and the Greek picnic celebration (as Aunt Christine used to speak of), and yet I believe in miracles. I have experienced an abundance of them myself to be able to testify of their existance. Keep the faith.

So whatever 2008 may bring to us individually and collectively, may we hold fast to those principals and values that we have been taught and reach out to others that we might be one of the angels on this side of the veil. S'agapo!

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